TCG Opal Toolbox CLI

1. Support Products

2. System Requirements

Note: You must have Administrator privileges to run the TCG Opal Toolbox CLI.


You need to follow the steps below to make the disk usable:

1. Set to AHCI mode:

Restart your computer and enter the BIOS/UEFI settings to change the disk form IDE mode to AHCI mode

2. Enable TPM Setting:

Modify the line in /etc/default/grub like this:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash libata.allow_tpm=1"

Then update grub:

$ sudo update-grub

Reboot the computer

3. Package Installation

1. Add TCGOpalToolbox repository to system's Software Sources

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:transcend-rd/opaltoolbox-cli

2. Update resource

$ sudo apt update

3. Install TCGOpalToolbox package

$ sudo apt-get install opaltoolbox-cli

4. TCG Opal Flows

NVMe flow

Set and Display Locking Range 0

Load PBA Image and Enable MBR Shadow

PSID Revert

SATA flow

Set and display locking ranges

Load PBA Image and Enable MBR Shadow

PSID Revert

5. Functions


-isSupportOpal <device>

$ sudo opaltoolbox -isSupportOpal /dev/nvme0

-initialSetup <password> <device>

$ sudo opaltoolbox -initialSetup [new password] /dev/nvme0 

-changePassword <oldpassword> <newpassword> <device>

$ sudo opaltoolbox -changePassword [old password] [new password] /dev/nvme0

Lock / Unlock

-isLockingEnabled <device>

$ sudo opaltoolbox -isLockingEnabled /dev/nvme0

-setLockingRange <RW|LK> <password> <device>

$ sudo opaltoolbox -setLockingRange RW [password] /dev/nvme0

-setupLockingRange <password> <device>

$ sudo opaltoolbox -setupLockingRange [password] /dev/nvme0

-enableLockingRange <password> <device>

$ sudo opaltoolbox -enableLockingRange [password] /dev/nvme0

-disableLockingRange <password> <device>

$ sudo opaltoolbox -disableLockingRange [password] /dev/nvme0

-listLockingRanges <password> <device>

$ sudo opaltoolbox -listLockingRanges [password] /dev/nvme0

PBA (Pre Boot Authentication)

-loadPBAImage <password> <file> <device>

$ sudo opaltoolbox -loadPBAImage [password] [file path] /dev/nvme0

-setMBREnable <on|off> <password> <device>

$ sudo opaltoolbox -setMBREnable on [password] /dev/nvme0

PSID Revert

-yesIreallywanttoERASEALLmydatausingthePSID <PSID> <device>

$ sudo opaltoolbox -yesIreallywanttoERASEALLmydatausingthePSID [PSID] /dev/nvme0



$ sudo opaltoolbox -h

6. License